Our 2023 Annual Conference took place May 5-7, 2023 in Denver, CO. Watch this space for updated information about our 2024 Annual Conference.
Platinum Level
Silver Level
The mission of Jefferson Humanists is to expand an ethical and life-affirming Humanist community devoted to science, reason, inclusion, and social responsibility. We help freethinkers to find friends, share ideas, and do good through our programs and activities.
Local Hosts
Bronze Level
The Secular Coalition is a group of diverse organizations representing atheists, agnostics, humanists, and other nonreligious Americans. The Secular Coalition for America is a dedicated lobbying organization within the Coalition, whose mission is to advocate for the equal rights of nonreligious Americans and defend the separation of religion and government.
In 2019 Dave Warnock was diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease), a progressive neurodegenerative disease with an average 3-5 year life expectancy. Dave is spending the days he has left speaking out about the dangers and harm of fundamental religions, with a focus on Evangelical Christianity.
Rob Rey creates art of the Cosmic Perspective to help make science a more meaningful part of our lives, to help us feel at home in the universe, and connected to each other. Prints and original oil paintings available.
Recovering from Religion is sponsoring at the bronze level. This is our mission statement: to offer hope, healing, and support to those struggling with issues of doubt and nonbelief.
The Center for Freethought Equality (CFE), the advocacy and political arm of the American Humanist Association, represents the interests of our community in Congress, the Administration, and with national advocacy groups. CFE also works to increase the number of public humanists and atheists in elected office at all levels of government.
Three women, a megachurch, a small-town school board. Author Lydia Gordon takes on timely church and state issues in The Fundamentals, her gripping humanist novel.
American Atheists is a national civil rights organization that works to achieve religious equality for all Americans by protecting what Thomas Jefferson called the “wall of separation” between government and religion created by the First Amendment. We strive to create an environment where atheism and atheists are accepted as members of our nation’s communities and where casual bigotry against our community is seen as abhorrent and unacceptable.
Oasis is a place for the non-religious to come together to celebrate the human experience. We provide a place for like-minded individuals and families to connect, be inspired and feel empowered.
The Chicago Ethical Humanist Circle is a humanistic religious fellowship that is part of the American Ethical Union, and, through the AEU, Humanists International (nee International Humanist and Ethical Union). We focus on human lives and relationships. We explore what it means to live ethically as individuals, family members, and participants in the larger community.
AHA's Virtual Annual Conference | September 14-15, 2024 | American Humanist Association
1821 Jefferson Place NW, Washington, DC 20036 | (800) 837-3792 | conference@americanhumanist.org
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