Danny Choriki is the Treasurer of the Association of Secular Elected Officials. Born and raised in Montana, Danny moved to New York City in his twenties to figure out how people cope with rapid social and technical changes and how to encourage humans to pay more attention to long-term dangers such as climate change. An environmental social scientist, Danny has been a humanist all of his life and a non-theist since high school. He has been involved in politics and culture, and social change all of his life. He is currently a member of the Billings City Council in Montana. He has been the President of the Billings Association of Humanists since 2013 and has worked to advance public policy driven by science and data.
AHA's Virtual Annual Conference | September 14-15, 2024 | American Humanist Association
1821 Jefferson Place NW, Washington, DC 20036 | (800) 837-3792 | conference@americanhumanist.org
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